
Neonatal Resuscitation

Neonatal resuscitationA neonatal emergency can be a nurse anesthetists worst nightmare. It doesn’t matter if you work at a level one trauma center or a community hospital, the unexpected birth of a compromised infant can occur. Here is a short video on the initial steps of neonatal resuscitation. Proper ETT size and depth is an essential part of neonatal resuscitation. You can download this chart in a pocket size reference by clicking the link. https://southernanesthesiaseminars.com/SASneonatalguide

Weight (kg) Gestational age ETT size (mm) ETT depth (cm) from the lip
<1 Below 28 2.5 7
1-2 28-34 3.0 8
2-3 34-38 3.5 9
Above 3 Above 38 4.0 10

6 + patients weight for ETT depth

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Neonatal Emergency

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