

Walt Disney World Conference 2025

Jan 22-26, 2025

This program has been prior approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology for 20.00 Class A CE credits; 

AANA designates this program as meeting the criteria for up to 5.75 CE Credits in pharmacology/therapeutics.

  • Breakfast will be in: Yet to be determined
  • Meeting will be in: Yet to be determined
January 22, 2025
  • Dessert party with exclusive viewing of fireworks
January 23, 2025
  • 6:30 AM – Breakfast & Exhibitor Visits
  • 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM – Difficult airway – Jeff Boswell
  • 8:30 AM-9:00 AM- Mimosa Bar & Exhibitor Visits
  • 9:00 AM -12:00PM – Hands on airway workshop – Jeff Boswell/Karen Hines
January 24, 2025
  • 6:30 AM – Breakfast & Exhibitor Visits
  • 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM – The lecture you can’t afford to miss – Jeff Boswell
  • 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM – Erector Spinae – Jeff Boswell
  • 9:00 AM-9:30 AM- Mimosa Bar & Exhibitors
  • 9:30AM -11:00 AM – Erector Spinae -Hands on workshop
  • 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Vasoplegic Syndrome – Jeff Boswell
January 25, 2025
  • 6:30 AM – Breakfast & Exhibitor Visit
  • 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM – Abdominal/Pelvic blocks – John Stas
  • 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Abdominal/pelvic hands on workshop – John Stas/Jeff Boswell
  • 10:00 AM-10:30 AM – Mimosa Bar and Exhibitor Visit
  • 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM – CRNA & Taxes. 1099 & SCorp – Chris Abell
January 26, 2025
  • 6:30 AM – Breakfast & Exhibitor Visits
  • 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM – Upper extremity blocks – John Stas
  • 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Upper extremity block workshop – John Stas
  • 10:00 AM-10:30 AM – Mimosa Bar & Exhibitor Visits
  • 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM – Lower extremity blocks – John Stas
  • 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Lower extremity blocks workshop – John Stas

Your Presenters

Karen Hines, DNAP, CRNA

Karen Hines, DNAP, CRNA

I want to create conference that you are excited about, but can still enjoy with your family.

Over the years I have chosen my continuing education conferences based on where they were and if my family would enjoy them. I didn’t care what the lectures were because it was more important to me to spend time with my family. Now, I am trying to create conferences in a way that you get the best of both worlds. Amazing locations you can share with your family and incredible lecture content that you will be excited to implement into your practice.

Conference Information

The Venue

Conference Schedule


Meet Our Speakers

Dr. John Stas


Dr. John Stas is a retired Army Officer that has decades of acute pain management experience. He has led anesthesia departments to reduce opioid consumption with alternative pain management methods.

Additionally, Dr. Stas spent ten years in civil service as both an anesthesia leader and a developing a state-of-the-art pain management practice for combat causalities. Dr. Stan has been teaching advanced regional anesthesia both clinically and didactically for many years in multiple areas to include the University of South Carolina Anesthesia Program and holds a faculty position for Twin Oaks Anesthesia. He is an expert with ultrasonography in the field of regional anesthesia and acute pain management.

Dr. Stas graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina and received both a master’s degree from the U.S Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia and a Doctorate from Texas Weslayan University.

Jeffrey S. Boswell


Dr. Boswell entered anesthesia practice after his MNA at the University of SC School of Medicine Program in Nurse Anesthesia in 2004. He earned his DNAP from Midwestern University in August, 2021. Since becoming a CRNA, Boswell practiced at Aiken Regional Medical Centers in Aiken, SC, starting as a staff CRNA in 2004, becoming the chief cardiothoracic and vascular CRNA in 2008, and manager of the anesthesia department in 2016.

Boswell’s professional interest include management of difficult and complex airways, procedural ultrasound, regional anesthesia, enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), opioid reduction strategies, and anesthesia for cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. He also enjoys professional public speaking and clinical and didactic instruction, and he was instrumental in establishing a clinical rotation for CRNA students at his practice facility.

Boswell has been married to his incredible wife, Mary, since 2008. They have a teenage son (Garrett) and daughter (Caroline). He enjoys teaching, playing guitar, outdoor activities, and woodworking.